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Dubai international academic city

Dubai International Academic City Approved Auditors

The establishment of Free Zones in Dubai is designed in a significant way to benefit similar industries with the relevant free zone. Such is the Dubai International Academic City, formally it was known as the Academic city, which is spread across 17 million Sq. ft. of campus area and enrolled over 27,000 students, and the number is still increasing. DIAC falls under the regulating authority of the Dubai Development Authority and requires only Dubai International Academic City Approved Auditors to conduct essential audits for this free zone.

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Why is it essential to hire Dubai International Academic City-Approved Auditors?

Why is it essential to hire Dubai International Academic City-Approved Auditors?

Farahat & Co is one of the registered auditors and financial service providers for DDA and in other emirates across the UAE.

  • For moving in or out of Dubai International Academic regulatory, businesses are required to have an audit report before a transfer from one jurisdiction to the other.

    Therefore, only registered auditors are authorized to sign an audit engagement letter with businesses in Dubai International Academic City to conduct their audit reports.

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Investing in Dubai International Academic City provides several benefits for business, which include 100% foreign ownership, Tax exemptions, 100% capital repatriation and proficient customer service and government relations to help companies and students with their licenses and visas, respectively. On the other hand, established businesses, startups and SMEs are liable to several government regulations. Financial regulations levied by the Federal Tax Authority. If you are looking for reliable auditors in Dubai, contact Farahat and Co today. Our services are cost efficient and customized to meet the client’s specific needs. We believe in providing top value-added services to our clients.

Thus, contact us today and we shall be happy to assist you!
