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Difference Between Internal and External Audit

Although the two terms sound relatively different, there can still be confusion and a lack of understanding of the functions of each. Because of that, there can be only a few people who know the difference between these two.

Internal auditing and external auditing are two processes that a company can undergo in a year. Sometimes, the first one is done in preparation for the latter.

As one of the leading auditing firms in Dubai, we know that there are a couple of differences between the two that can help you understand fully the two kinds of audit. Below are simply several differences between the two.

What is an Audit?

Before we begin to analyze the two types of audit, we should first define what ‘audit’ is.

In simple terms, an audit is all about examining and evaluating a company’s financial statements. Since these records are expected to show the transactions that are done by the firm. An audit was executed to ensure the accuracy and fairness of these records.

An audit can be performed internally or externally. The former can be achieved by the organization by facilitating it themselves with their auditor commonly known as an ‘internal auditor’.

The latter can be accomplished with the help of an auditor from a third party. That was hired by the organization itself.

As you can see above, there is already a difference between the two but we shall go further below.

What is Internal Audit?

The first type of audit is an internal audit. This is the process wherein the activities and operations of the company are assessed and analyzed. All of these even the structure of the business and its employees monitored and examined.

In this way, the organization aided in ensuring. That its objectives are not only followed but also achieved by the whole company. Since the company’s risk management and controls are evaluated all for the reason of seeing the needed areas to improve, this can help a company with the approaches that they have to take.

Internal audits in Dubai are done by an internal auditor who is from the organization itself or hired from a company with audit and assurance services, whichever is preferable by the organization that needs internal auditing. Internal auditors have a broad knowledge of business systems.

They need to be so because they ensure that the approaches that they suggest will help the company to be efficient with its operations and flow of business.

What is an External Audit?

On the other hand, the second type of audit is an external audit. It is an examination of the financial statements by an independent auditor, known as an external auditor.

Who is from a third-party company or one of the top audit firms in Dubai?

External auditors have no way affiliated with the business that is being audited.

Unlike the previous one, which is an internal audit. This is done based on a country’s laws or regulations where the company is situated.

Also, unlike an external audit, an internal audit is performed for purposes such as it is required by the law of the land.

What Is Difference Between Internal Audit and External Audit

  1. When it comes to why a company does an audit. The internal audit gives the organization an idea of where to improve and how. Meanwhile, an external audit process is for the company to prepare its accurate and fair financial statements by the law.
  2. Internal auditors, as mentioned above, can be a person from the company or an audit and assurance services firm. However, external auditors should be hired from one of the auditing firms in Dubai or a third-party company and should be registered auditors.
  3. These auditors have different ways of presenting their findings or reports. Internal auditors show the company the areas that need to be improved. And the approaches on how to improve them and to make the flow efficient for the business. These are recommendations that can greatly enhance the company’s way of meeting its objectives and achieving them. On the other hand, external auditors submit their reports by the auditing standards. It stated there if the financial statements are fair and accurate, complying with the legal requirements.
  4. Internal audit is not mandatory. It is the organization’s choice whether they would like to have a monthly, quarterly, or yearly internal audit to ensure that their company is running smoothly. Even if it is not required. It is advisable since it will have a positive impact on the performance of the organization. On the other hand, external audits are regulated. It is usually required by the government of the country where the company is located. Even if that is the case, it is really helpful for the company’s case.

Farahat & Co. has been one of the top audit firms in Dubai for more than 35 years. We have been helping businessmen with their dilemmas. We are a regulated auditor, offering audit and assurance services.

Jose’s entire educational and professional career has circled around audit and assurance. While in India, he became a CPA and worked as an accountant and an auditor. Afterwards, he relocated to Dubai, where he joined Farahat & Co. as an auditor. He is currently assisting UAE mainland and free zone businesses with their compliance needs. With a reputation for proficiency, quality, and reliability, clients refer to Mr. Jose for independent assessments of organizations structures and operations.