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Tax Dispute Resolution Services in UAE

Federal Tax Authority

The federal taxation systems in the country make some things go towards betterment. The tax paid by the residents makes the governments work for the betterment of the countries. In UAE, the federal tax authority has also introduced the federal taxation system. In 2018, Value Added Tax was introduced in the UAE. For the people in UAE, it has been made mandatory to pay all the taxes on time.

The corporate tax in UAE at the federal level will play a part in the favor of UAE because in this way UAE will be able to fund the national budget while creating a better environment for the people in UAE.

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Tax disputes in UAE

Tax Procedures Law

For the conduction of audits, determining tax evasion, ordering penalties, etc., tax procedure laws have been established. Because of tax procedure law, it will become easier for the UAE’s government to review the tax proceedings of the companies. This law provides an outline to the people and to the government to make sure that all the people comply with the rules and regulations made by the federal tax authority.

Tax Audits

The main duty of the Federal Tax Authority (FTA)is to carry out tax audits. For this purpose, expert and fluent Arabic and English speakers have been hired to conduct the audit process expertly. It is noted here that the audit can be performed on anyone by FTA. The person doesn’t need to hold a registration number for the audit. The basic reason behind the audit is to check whether or not the people are complying with federal tax law or not.

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Tax disputes in UAE

What Happens During the Tax Audit?

FTA obtains the original records or copies of them for conducting the audit. FTA also has the authority to seize the business or the company. It can take stocks and can conduct experiments on the stock as well. The audited person and their tax agents may be present in the situation when the audit is being carried out.

During the audit, all the tax procedures are kept in consideration to make sure that everything is going according to the laws and orders set by FTA. So, the people must take care of the fact that when FTA asks them about their records, they have to present them in front of them no matter what.

Tax Assessments

FTA Assesses the Following Events:

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