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Positive Impact of VAT in UAE

UAE has introduced VAT to generate revenue to promote the welfare of the people living within the country. VAT has become an integral part of the system and also positively impacts by bringing some significant changes around the GCC region. Some of the impacts which are brought by VAT in UAE are as follows:

Read More: Steps to apply for Tax Registration Number in UAE

A boost to government

This new tax system has been a boost to revenue and also helps to use the revenue for the benefit of the public. The revenue collected will also boost the economy which will bring a positive impact to the business in UAE.

Transparency and accountability will be increased

VAT introduced in UAE is a simpler one. It is also made more transparent to reduce any kind of fraudulent activity in the system. If the transparency and accountability rate is higher it benefits the business among the regional market. The government authorities continuously tract all the activities of the business which are required to register which also contributes to the level of transparency.

This can further help the government to maintain an updated database thereby increasing the performance of the economy of the region.

The companies are also required to maintain all the records of the VAT payments to reduce illegal and fraudulent activities. It is also important to make sure that all the business is compliant with all the rules and regulations of VAT laws.

The global competitiveness will be increased

The global competitiveness will be boosted if there exists a high level of transparency and also transform itself into one of the major business hubs. The region also implements done of the best policies for VAT will help to build the efforts of the business.

Advancement in business with information and communication technology

VAT agreements deal with providing with more compliant accounting system allowing the business to effectively and smoothly charge and recover VAT from people. Investment in ICT also reforms the region with the organizational structure.

There is a steady migration to more advanced and accurate infrastructure from outdated business systems to make an organization’s VAT process more compliant.

The operational efficiency has been enhanced

If the business has a higher operational efficiency the system can work with a positive impact reducing the risk of business growth. Infrastructural updates have been made in the suspend relatively with the new tax law and skills and improvements and capacity to build programmed within the organization for proper monitoring and management.

Improvement in infrastructure

This may improve the revenue of the UAE but also improve the countries infrastructure by making it easier to do the business. Infrastructure will have a significant impact in the economy which will neutralize the fact of VAT will be implemented in the same measure all around GCC.

Non-financial benefits to economy

Implementation of VTA in UAE can also bring a number of non-financial benefits. One of the most important of these is the management liability is improved. It also helps to enhance the accountability of the government and making democracy more transparent. It also helps to ace informed results reduced fraudulent activities and civil cases.

VAT Advisory opportunities to many business

The introduction to VAT has opened doors to many to open VAT advisory who seize in VAT. Business may not have time to engage in the new tax system and they can hire VAT consultants to help them into this process. In order to stay compliant with all the current rules and regulations, the advisory firms may step into the picture to help the business owner.

You may want to know: VAT Registration Cost

VAT registration services in UAE:

There are number of impacts of VAT in UAE/Dubai. The business has to face a lot of changes and also have to be complicated with the latest amendment of VAT. It requires qualified tax professionals advice to support your business as Vat is a newly adopted system in UAE.  Farahat and co in Dubai has the necessary expertise and knowledge Regarding VAT laws. To initiate the VAT registration process contact us

What are the sectors exempt from VAT?

Some sectors which is exempt from VAT are as follows;

  • The supply of financial services
  • Sale of bare land
  • Local transport

Find out – Recovery of cost under VAT in UAE

What are the VAT rates in UAE?

The standard VAT rate in UAE will be up to 5%. Certain services may be expecting or zero-rated. But the standard rate will be 5%

Ervee is a CPA with international experience in Tax and Accounting. He has over 12 years of experience in accounting and bookkeeping and over a year in VAT implementation, registration, and accounting in UAE. He regularly drives out inefficiencies in company operations and loves the challenge of helping clients find additional ways for an easier and improved compliance and verification of transactions.