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The Meaning of Judicial Expertise

The Judicial Expertise is one of the methods which the Judge can follow whenever there is a need for technical evidence.
In case of the judge does not have suffusion and enough knowledge in the subject of the dispute he can appoint an expert so that the expert will provide technical opinion on the topic assigned to him by the judge.
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Adjustment period extended for the UAE based Companies to comply with Law No (2) of 2015 on Commercial Companies

Law No (2) of 2015 on commercial companies shall replace the Law no (8) of 2008 of 1984, and no doubt that the new law accommodates changes and Imperatives that arise from time to time.
The new law accommodates emerging needs of the practice and application of laws.
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Commercial License in Five Minutes

The Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai launched the Instant Licensing Services Businessmen can obtain a commercial license in just five minutes for the first year without holding a lease of the company or even location.
These documents will only be required for renewal.
