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Trademark Dispute Services in Dubai

At Farahat & Co., we know how important trademarks are in safeguarding your brand’s name and reputation. Our team of professional trademark litigation lawyers helps settle trademark disputes amicably, ensuring the legal protection of your IP rights. If you are accused of violating someone else’s intellectual property or wish to prevent unauthorized use of your registered trademark, then our guidance is tailored toward this direction.

What is a Trademark Dispute?

Trademark dispute in UAE means when there is a legal disagreement as to who has the right to use it, own it, or register it. A trademark refers to any word, sign, symbol combination, or design that serves to identify goods and services being offered on the market. Misuse through infringement where one person uses another’s similar mark without consent can result in disputes just as easily as misrepresentation, counterfeiting, and domain names.

The Federal Trademarks Law No. 36 of 2021 governs trademark registration and protection across the UAE. These laws confer exclusive rights on the owner and provide for mechanisms handling conflicts that could involve administrative proceedings at the Ministry of Economy or civil suits in UAE courts.

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Our Trademark Dispute Services in the UAE

We offer the following services under our Trademark Dispute Services:

  • Defense of Trademark Infringement: When a case of trademark infringement is brought against your business, our experienced trademark experts will examine the situation and give advice on effective defense tactics to protect your interests. We will put all our efforts towards ensuring that your mark is protected and seek to limit any possible harm.
  • Strategic Communication Post Cease and Desist: Subsequent to a cease and desist notice by our firm’s lawyers, we are looking at strategic ways of informing clients about possible infringement liabilities. These may range from coordinating with licensing parties, considering rebranding options or taking up remedies that will protect your best interests.
  • Handling Trademark Disputes: In case another company attempts to register the same mark as yours, we help you in filing oppositions or cancellations for it at relevant regulatory bodies. Our aim is to avoid conflicting trademarks being registered and thus preserve both the value and recognition that your brand has built over time.

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Why Choose Farahat & Co.?

There are various reasons why Farahat & Co. is known as a good law firm when it comes to handling trademark services in UAE:

  • Specialization in Intellectual Property Law: Farahat & Co. is deeply involved in Intellectual Property Law, which includes well-known registration procedures for trademarks, enforcement issues associated with trademarks, and clashes that may arise from such factors. Our trademark expert guarantees specialized legal assistance to clients who seek help in this context
  • Experience in UAE Law: Our Trademark experts in Dubai have extensive experience maneuvering the legal landscape of the UAE. Understanding every bit of nuance as far as trademark laws of the UAE are concerned is crucial for resolving trademark disputes effectively within this region.
  • Track Record of Success: Our firm has a proven track record of success in favorably resolving trademark disputes on behalf of their clients. Our experts use their experience and expertise to develop effective legal strategies that are unique to each client’s situation.

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